Takeaway: ASPCA’s Animal Poison hotline is excellent.

Willow is a wily dog. She’ll let you leave the room with food on the coffee table month after month after month, never once causing trouble. You might think she’s a very disciplined pup. Lies. She lulls you into complacency until you leave particularly forbidden snacks unattended.

Forbidden snacks like the onion rings I bought for today’s lunch.

We knew that onions are toxic to dogs, but didn’t know how toxic or what to do about it. A bunch of articles and forums told us, “Don’t delay! Induce vomiting IMMEDIATELY if your dog eats even one ring”. We called ASPCA’s Animal Poison hotline on the recommendation of two separate vets, and I happily cosign that rec if you’re in a similar pickle.

After a brief hold, the ASPCA consultant set a tone of controlled calm. First, she assessed urgency (immediate symptoms/behavior). Once satisfied that we were not in a “seconds count” ordeal, she explained the service’s pricing before methodically walking through questions about the substance (brand, size consumed, timeframe) and Willow’s details (size, weight, age, breed, known illness/sensitivities).

After another short hold to assemble her recommendation, she…

  1. Opened with the BLUF1“Willow should be just fine without any treatment”
  2. Succinctly explained “why”“The amount consumed is well below her toxicity thresholds. We would be concerned at X ounces of onion, and your order’s total size is about half that”
  3. Closed with a clear watch list“If you see symptoms X or Y in the next 12 hours, do treatment Z”

ASPCA’s service costs $95. They are sharp, professional, and well worth the peace of mind.

Check ASPCA’s website for the most current phone number: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control