AbolishIP was a short-lived pseudonymous blog from my early 20s. I was intensely interested in intellectual property policy and frustrated at the lack of critical content in my web bubble. In my head, AbolishIP might have been a wide community with guest contributors, a forum, maybe some community action. In reality, I abandoned it after a handful of posts.

I included those old posts here with one or two changes, mostly just spiking real names of subjects - we’re all too comfortable attacking people these days. Look for the AbolishIP tag. They’ll link back to this post, and I’ll organize that with a smarter URI at some point.

My view on exclusive privilege is still out there in a relative sense, but I have softened. One token I’m happy to remember this old chapter by is a (perhaps too cute) slogan…

“Don’t buy the idea that an idea can be bought”